Calling for Research Project Proposals for Year 2024
All individuals who wish to conduct new research projects are kindly requested to submit innovative research proposals that include specific aims and preliminary data and have an adequately described approach with an acceptable time plan as per the CDRD project proposal format which is available on CDRD website.
The closing date for submitting of project proposals is 20th September 2023 and late submissions of project proposals will not be accepted. The project proposals will be evaluated by the CDRD with representatives from Tri-services and a team of qualified intellectuals from the relevant technological fields. It will ensure fairness and equal opportunities for all proposers in the evaluation process. In due course, all the selected project proposers will be notified to present the project proposals at the Research Council to be held in October 2023.
Duly filled project proposal with signatures and contact details of the principal investigators should be emailed to research@crd.lk (in PDF format)